Friday 16 March 2012

makin sweet eh kau? waaa haha. - 16 March

my kiro? :) hey there, my kiro. my fan <3 HAHA. i love you. waaa texting with you tonight was so sweet , great, and fun:) cant believe we're talking about something special, its like magic D: and watching ghost movie with my bro. while texting and chatting with Daeran using phone. Daeran was a sweet and cool guy. and ok back to my kiro. i miss him so much. gilaaa eh, saya lambat reply text dia 4 or 5 minute gitu ka. then dia tertidur sudaa. alaaa, gara gara fikir brabis pa mau reply chat c Daeran ni bahhh:3 haha biarlahhh. happy go lucky ja. and and, time sya tingu hantu hantu ma bro sya, punya syok. da juga sya tariak tariak oh. bro sya pun takajut :) hahaha k sampai sini jaaa xD 

Saturday 3 March 2012

YOU :(

so, I guess i should really stop talking about you even yesterday at school what you did makes me keep falling for you more. Its for my own good either. And may God bless your relationship with her. I hope you guys would last long. Even this would make me take more times to forgetting our past , i would try my best because I promise to my best friend that I'll stop loving you. Well, its not easy to find someone like you and, so there's no one like you out there. And I just love your smile.